- Ich habe ein @YouTube-Video positiv bewertet: http://t.co/21xS2mVWvF Introducing Windows 10 – the best Windows yet ->
- RT @Gehirnfussel: Ab 50MBit fängt das Leben erst an. ->
- RT @LastPass: Did you know there's over 500 million victims of cybercrime a year? http://t.co/eN1zFffAXD #NCSAM #infographics http://t.co/1… ->
- RT @garybernhardt: 1993: WWW.
2004 (11 years later): Web 2.0.
2015 (11 years later): we wrote everything in javascript and literally nothin… -> - RT @dfranke: A web designer walks into a bar, -moz-bar, -webkit-bar, -ms-bar, -o-bar, @supports (min-age: 21) { ->