- RT @tsudo: Friends: – Use unique complex pass phrases (use @Lastpass) enable 2 factor authentication everywhere you can. #2FA ->
- RT @yolocrypto: @RWW I love PayPal! Their securitah is just as #YOLO as Apple’s: https://t.co/nWb7h5Xyn6 ->
- RT @a_greenberg: Kickstarter for Anonabox launched this morning w/ $7.5k goal. They've raised $85k. https://t.co/Pt1bBOIA7t my story: http:… ->
- RT @pivotCE: We knew this day would come. HP shutting down #webOS catalog and cloud services. http://t.co/AkdXYRqbAH ->
- RT @Onkel_Sebastian: It’s Road Trip! #keynote ->
- RT @Cyruss1989: Goddamn it Google, did you hear this? Improve Chrome already. I want to use Chrome, but I also want battery life… #AppleLiv… ->
- RT @liondiskmaker: DiskMaker X 4 should be available with Yosemite… or very soon after. I won't guarantee day 1 compatibility, though I'll … ->
- RT @DanielBrierton: Yesterday: Google raise the entry price for a good Android tablet to $399. Today: Apple lower the entry price for a goo… ->
- RT @AriX: Why isn't Yosemite on the Mac App Store yet? Probably stuck in App Review. ->
- RT @rossrubin: Wow. RT @jtsd: This Apple SIM thing could be the most groundbreaking bit of the day http://t.co/9nVgoimKPs ->
- Beat that @Windows! http://t.co/nfRM7qdiAG ->
- RT @newsycombinator: Mac OS X Yosemite – No Privacy, by Design https://t.co/Pba9X4vQhz ->