- RT @telegram: Telegram 3.0 introduces Bot Platform — free, open and super easy to use https://t.co/ESSa9MmEtM ->
- RT @decktonic: too close to home http://t.co/pi1pAaofGL ->
- RT @teltarif: WhatsApp: Messenger weiterhin mit Sicherheitsmängeln http://t.co/ZrmtfTVhQR ->
- Ich unterstütze jetzt Kiwi 3 – OBD Car to Smartphone Interface Reinvented auf @Kickstarter https://t.co/IiwiHI8eRY ->
- RT @Dropbox: #LoveWins http://t.co/4uaX9bOuYz ->
- RT @andreskc11: I'm so Proud 💗 THIS IS AMAZING #LoveWins http://t.co/s9OAceyAin ->
- RT @iamdevloper: Never trust a developer who spells everything correctly in their commit messages. ->
- RT @9GAG: It's that simple. #9gag http://t.co/DRfjK2Xl4a ->
- Proud to be the 2,234th backer on @BackerKit for CHIP – The World's First Nine… | Thx @nextthingco! https://t.co/HjlbtP3s50 ->
- RT @oliveiranth: remember when u guys deployed an atom bomb against a civilian population http://t.co/EKZDaiAJAx ->
meine Tweets
Tweets vom 15-06-2015 bis 21-06-2015
Twitter- RT @RedmondPie: This Microsoft HoloLens Minecraft Demo Will Blow You Away [Video] http://t.co/NFWas9EiDQ ->
- RT @Beccei: "Sie, [Subjektname hier] sind wohl der ganze Stolz von [Subjektwohnort hier]." ->
- RT @jneuf: Accentuating the irrationality of the Charleston news, the paper puts an ad for a gun shop on the front page today. http://t.co/… ->
- RT @iamdevloper: <!–[if IE 5]>
<![endif]–> -> - RT @Dritte_Wahl: Bundestag gehackt, BfV und BND unkontrollierbar, ausländische Nachrichtendienste sowieso.
Maas: Vorratsdaten seien sicher… -> - .@ShazamSupport o_O http://t.co/BmKGJKGCPH ->
Tweets vom 08-06-2015 bis 14-06-2015
Twitter- Swift will be open source later this year, available for iOS, OS X, and Linux. http://t.co/GWHeCMGUmG ->
- RT @comex: Re: http://t.co/njYoJSoisD, turns out you can do similar things *without* compromising privacy. ->
- RT @spacerog: The Syrian Electronic Army defaces http://t.co/2hJbB8jpOc during an Apple keynote? They obviously don't know how news cycles … ->
- I guess I will stay with @Spotify #WWDC15 ->
- RT @dermonce: Alter wofür gibt es Twitter und Spotify! #AppleMusic #WWDC15 ->
- RT @notcom: So to sum up all they’ve announced: Apple Watch kit 2.0 and apple has now invented Spotify. ->
- RT @JFKingsley: Apple NO LONGER requires you to buy a developer membership to test your apps on device.
#WWDC15 http://t.co/yxGkUG9Z97 -> - RT @laparisa: “If you’re developing a new app, you should use HTTPS exclusively.” via http://t.co/isiI0qcNEb Fist bump to Apple! ->
Tweets vom 01-06-2015 bis 07-06-2015
Twitter- RT @ipmonauts: Vielleicht magst du deine Erfahrungen in unserer Umfrage zu fairerem, nerdfreundlicheren Internet-Zugang beisteuern. http://… ->
- RT @RedmondPie: HTC Unveils 24-Karat Gold One M9, Takes Its Photo Using iPhone 6 | http://t.co/cAqujAQiup http://t.co/KGkml8Kiso ->
Tweets vom 25-05-2015 bis 31-05-2015
Twitter- Ich habe ein @YouTube-Video positiv bewertet: http://t.co/A8OxoZP0O7 Zocker TV – Die Jagdsimulation: Hunter's Trophy 2 ->
- RT @bensen: Ab heute sind wir alle Terrorverdächtige – via @netzpolitik https://t.co/zKomidSfmw http://t.co/C7gzItwKpe ->
- RT @BenedictEvans: Google shifting Android permissions model to ask when needed, (same as iOS model) – much clearer for users, helps securi… ->